探針單元是用於 FPD 測試的測試儀器。設置在探測器上,它接觸測試面板並傳輸來自測試儀的電信號。MJC 根據面板尺寸、分辨率和維護要求提供各種探針系統。

Probe Unit
Film-type Probe
Blade-type Probe
Probe Unit
S/B Probe Unit
Blade-type Probe
ZFB (Blade Type Probe)
將Probe Block與COF合為一體的構造在保養維護上更具優越性,對應多Pin且間隙極小的新型Probe Block。由於Block構造變更設計使高度不齊性降低,Probe位置精度因而提昇。採用此新構造成功地將Blade小型化,使得Blade的長度比原來的UFB降低約70%。
What is a probe unit?
A probe unit is a testing instrument to be mounted on a prober to contact the panel to transmit electrical signals for FPD testing. Probe unit types vary according to the purpose of the test, size of the panel, resolution, and other requirements.
What is an FPD test?
In the flat panel display (FPD) manufacturing process, tests to check panel functions and tests to evaluate the manufacturing process are conducted.